- was my first compilation, it is the entire discography of Vaporwave I've ever released since 2013 up to 2014-2015.
Its currently the only way to buy any of my vaporwave albuns, as I've since then deleted all other singles, as they never really ammounted to much and only bloated my bandcamp page. All album art I've used is also present on this release as the covers for individual songs.
To this day its one of the albuns with most traction, mostly for its larger than usual size.
As a download or buying bonus you get an extra song exclusive for this release of the discography, one of my last Vaporwave songs I've ever made.

- was my first ever EP release, and was mostly a collection of random chill Vaporwave songs I had made that year.
Still one of the longer EPs, with five (5) tracks.
Shopping Mall 幸せになる(ありません)
iTunes 死んでいる
{Smooth-Disco while 1<2}
Logos // あなたを殺すこと

- was a later release than X5, being preceded by both X1 and 愛 (Ai), but it followed the themes of X5 much closer this time, and had its own sort of psedo-narrative to it.
Its supposed to reflect a much darker and mellow vision of the future, one of eternal numbness and stillness, hence the more calming melodies present in this release.
It's also much more of a full album compared to all other releases in this compilation, having a total of six (6) tracks.
Como Me Usas 良い感じ
Party (唯一の楽しみ) - Feat. Robof3e
The Circus
Home 自由
Good それは私が感じる方法ではありません

- was a single using only one sample, a largely trimmed japanese pop song.
It was a rather popular single for the sample competition I had entered in with.

- (Ai) was my second release, made much in the same fashion as X5, a random compilation of things loosely based on a central theme.
Not so sure why the romantic undertones of this album, but I certainly ran with it, making the album name to be the Kanji for love.
womanless 恥
何卒 Me Beija

- (Watashi o aishite imasen|I don't love you) was the last EP I've ever released of vaporwave. It's a rather more laid back and standard varpowave release, mostly done as a test for my sampling and composing skills.
The themes are somewhat related to love, but it was mostly about the aesthetic than anything else.
The album was named after the single that became the first song on the -
Mall Essentials
Deixa Eu Ser 私

- was an intended future release to acompany the track Rocket, which was then released as an exclusive for this compilation.
I liked the album cover art too much to not have it in the compilation anyways.
So this was my past experience making music, a time that I'm still proud of most of the music I produced, and that I fondly look back upon. Hopefully you find the listen at least interesting and that you consider supporting me or sharing with your friends!
With much love.
- Yan